The Lost Years SDCC 2020-2021
Alvin OngShare
The world was in put on a halt due to COVID-19. Comic Con International was cancelled for two years and created an online version to keep up the love of everything geeky. While it was way different and of course way less energetic as you get compared to the real event it was much appreciated especially in a time where people's hope grew dim as no one has ever experienced this much in their lifetimes. We created our own version of Comic Con at Home where we broadcasted live on our Facebook page. The Furry Feline family supported us online during those difficult times and carried us over. Family isn't always by blood. It is mostly by choice.
We are really proud to say that our customers are the best which is why we give our best. We are able to do what we do because of them. While a lot of our peers have closed down, we were able to survive and thrive. It has been clearer more than ever that we are in this together as we share our work with everyone. People knowing that they aren't just buying a product, but the message of bringing everyone together and the concept of our brand makes difference in peoples lives.